No pictures for this post, sorry! I just wanted to jot down a few things about
Caitlyn so I would remember them in the future. Right now her favorite songs for me to sing to her are "Love Story" by Taylor Swift just for fun, "Clean Up" from Barney after she eats (she cries if I wipe her down without singing it!) and The ABC's when I'm trying to get her to sleep. So far she's eaten a brown rice cereal, oatmeal, butternut squash, green beans and bananas (in that order) and LOVED them all! She's not made a bad face or spit anything back out so far. I'm praying she doesn't get the picky eater genes like her parents have. I want her to be different and not constantly be stuck in the "which way should I cook my chicken tonight" food rut. She's incredibly noisy while she's eating, though. She makes all kinds of grunts and groans like she's frustrated or it just can't get to her mouth fast enough. She loves playing in it and grabbing the spoon from me. I let her but am very careful that she doesn't gag herself with it as she likes very much to do. She's not very interested in floor time anymore but I still make her do it. Sometimes she just lays there and cries, even if I try to distract her. She's figured out how to roll onto her belly really well but gets angry when she cannot go anywhere or get back. She is now using this as a technique to keep herself awake at night and I've found her sleeping on her belly a few times now.
Her current eating schedule:
Morning bottle: 8oz bottle
Second feeding: 1/2 jar of stage 1 baby food and a 6oz bottle
Third feeding: 8oz bottle
Final feeding: 2oz formula mixed w/ cereal and a 6oz bottle
Before I started introducing solids she was eating 40oz of formula a day! Sometimes she wakes up early for the fifth feeding but it's usually just when she's going through a big growth spurt. She generally eats every 4-5 hours but I'm not obsessed with a schedule. I just like to make sure she's not missing feedings so I know she's eating sufficiently (to help prevent a 5am feeding!). She should also be able to go at least 3 hours without eating and I haven't had an issue with this for a very long time. Caitlyn is just a good baby all around. She's cut two teeth and barely fussed for any of it. The only issue we have is nap time. She just does not want to let go and miss anything! Some days are very easy and I can rock her to sleep in 2 minutes in my arms and lay her down and then other days I will try everything for an hour with her screaming bloody murder and she finally gives up. Different things work and she's not particularly attached to one method right now.
I cannot believe my BABY is almost in toddler sized clothing! She's wearing 9-12 month size and some things need to be 12 month size! I only have two or three outfits larger than 12 months and zero PJ's bigger than 9 months, so we will be shopping for more clothing soon!!! I am hoping she starts to even out in size and slow down on her growth a little bit soon. Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll be in 12 or 18 month size clothes longer. We are looking into purchasing a larger car seat since she's outgrown the one she has!!! I didn't realize how quickly 23 pounds could get here! We go for a check up and shots on the 19th and I'll find out her exact measurements but I know she's at least 20 pounds!