Looking back on 2008, it was one hell of a year. I had one of my biggest heartbreaks ever and I also got the best gift from God, our daughter Caitlyn. The whole year, though, there was a dark cloud looming over us for 2009. We kept saying "Next year, when you're deployed..." but now I'm afraid it's this year. Monday begins our 18 month long journey of deployment and I hope the time goes by very quickly. Looking forward to 2009, I have a few resolutions. Now, I've never been one to make a list of them and I've done the typical "lose weight" or "work out" ones but this year is different for me and here's how:
1) Always clean the peanut butter knife. This is more figuratively speaking but every morning I have peanut butter waffles for breakfast. So, if the sink is empty and the first thing I put in there is the peanut butter knife, then I would like for it to be cleaned by the end of the day. That means I have to un-earth it from the sinkful of dishes which in turn means I would be going to bed each day with the dishes done. This is something I want to spill over into other areas of housework, though. I'd really love to be able to knock something major off my cleaning list each day but in the meantime, I'll just keep working on that peanut butter knife.
2) Stick to a budget and grocery shop with CASH. Anyone who has been around me lately has probably noticed my obsession with shopping cheap and using coupons. I have my sister-in-law to thank for finding the Grocery Game website and starting this obsession but I've taken it to a whole new level. As much as I try to remind myself that it's not a good deal for me if I blow my budget, I'm just not as careful when I know I have money in bank accounts I can spend as I am if there is a limited amount of cash. I tried this out one week in December and I rocked it. I even had $7 left over for Jon to get himself some lottery tickets with for his stocking (I thought he might like to pick them). So, if I can get everything straightened out to work off of cash, that would make me oh-so-happy.
3) In tying in with number 2 on my list, I don't want to pay a SINGLE bill even ONE DAY late. I am grown adult and I should be responsible enough to make this happen, even if I have 35 different payments to make in one month (and that's happened!).
4) ORGANIZATION!!! Which is key to numbers 2 and 3. I am going to invest in some more storage containers. They have been my best investment thus far with household items and with Caitlyn growing out of 6-9 month sized clothing now, I'm in great need of more! Some may say I have an obsession with them if they saw my garage but I don't care. I know where everything is and I know I've gotten rid of anything and everything I can (minus the items in the "Garage Sale/Donation" containers).
5) Weight Loss. Yep, the typical weight loss goal but not quite-so-typical. I want to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight and then go from there. I usually set a goal of "Lose 40 pounds this year!" and it's no wonder that I fail. That's a lot of pressure to think about mapping out your weight loss for a whole year! Let's start with the remaining 15 pounds and then we'll get it figured out. It's not like I have a personal trainer or nutritionist here!
Well, I guess Happy New Year!
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