Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today didn't go quite as smoothly as yesterday but it wasn't a complete disaster!  I still managed to weigh and measure everything although, I think I messed up my dinner measurements.  I had my usual waffle and peanut butter breakfast, clementine oranges for snack, a tortilla pizza and 90 calorie pack for lunch and BBQ chicken sandwiches with steamed broccoli/carrots.  I got desperate for some sweets again and had a 100 calorie Cheesecake Bar.  This means I'm completely out of "points" left to eat.  I suppose if I REALLY want something later, I can have some flavored water.  I'm trying to cut food off after 8:30pm anyway.  I'm sure nothing I can possibly eat after that point in time will do me any good.  I'm half way to my water consumption goals and about to go in for a refill.  I didn't get as much activity in today as I would like to but I did manage to get a lot of chores done around the house.  Those should count for SOME calories burned, right?!  I have a bit to finish with the laundry and clean up from dinner dishes... sweep and mop the bathroom floor... and the cat pans/trash and then I can relax and go to bed!!!  Hopefully I can finish this all before Caitlyn wakes up from her nap (HAHAHAHAHA!).  Well, maybe I'll get at least ONE thing done before she wakes up!!!  I'm hoping for much motivation to go for a walk tomorrow.  It's supposed to be pretty and my work out pants are clean!  I think if I get it all ready (add to to do list) before I go to bed, I'll be much more likely to go.  I've learned that planning and being prepared are key to me sticking to my goals.  Well, here's goes nothing...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go for getting started!! I need to do SOMETHING! I saw the blog you're following and I think I just might sign up! 10 lbs is doable while nursing, right??
