Sunday, January 25, 2009

5 More Weeks

It seems like months since the last time I blogged because so much has been going on in our lives!  Jonathan still hasn't gotten paid, been entered into pay or his promotion.  He finally got his orders for Macon and Texas.  I think he has one or two more sets of orders to worry about and then we should be settled into a pattern of getting paid on a regular basis.  He came home for two days a week ago and then again on Friday night.  He got himself pulled over for "suspected DUI" because he swerved out of the line trying to fish his cell phone out from the floor board of the car.  It wouldn't have been a big deal if we weren't all waiting for him at his parents' house to yell "SURPRISE!!!" for his surprise birthday party.  Everyone that was able to make it was patient and we made sure we fed them while they waited.  Jon was so touched that so many people were able to be there and waited so long for him to get there!  The next evening we went to Caprese to celebrate our anniversary (even though it was actually his birthday) and had a really enjoyable dinner.  This morning, we woke up at 6am and I dropped him off at the airport.  His flight just took off less than an hour ago and he should be there by 2pm.  He'll be back in about 5 weeks and we're hoping he'll have 3-4 days to spend at home before it's back to Macon again (but we'll believe it when it happens!).  It's so incredible to see Jonathan with Caitlyn.  He has far exceeded any expectations I had about what kind of father he would be.  He doesn't miss a beat when he's been gone, he seems to pick up right where he left off!  It's a bit of adjustment for me but they both do just fine.

Speaking of Caitlyn, she cut her first tooth on the 22nd (bottom right) and she just grows and grows more every day.  She is so fun to watch with everything she does.  It's amazing to see the learning process up close and personal.  She has a Little Einstein activity center that she just loves to play in.  It reminds me of her being at her "office" and it's like she's telling me she has "lots of business to do" as she plays.  She figured out the over-the-door bouncer yesterday, too.  Oh... and how to bang a toy on the tray to make the most possible noise.  While I'm not incredibly thrilled with the noise thing, I love how she's constantly growing and changing.  She's still not very interested in tummy time or crawling because she mostly gets frustrated but I still make her do it.  She can roll herself over onto her belly but she is most interested in walking.  She wants to be mobile more than anything and unfortunately, I'm not ready for it yet!!!  Guess I will have to be soon!

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