Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pulled Over... Again.

Yes, Jon was pulled over again but this time on base.  They were lost and looking for their classroom when he realized he was doing 28 in a 25.  Of course, at that exact moment there was an MP that was kind enough to pull him over and remind him of the correct speed limit.  He was LUCKY that the MP saw he was a police officer in his driver's license picture and said out of professional courtesy he would give him a verbal warning.  We've decided he's not allowed to drive anymore when there are other people that can do it for him!  He's bored with his classes and homesick.

Back here in Georgia...
Caitlyn is doing well.  Her little tooth pokes out a bit more each day and her left bottom one feels like it's going to break out any day now.  She has an oatmeal cereal in the afternoon and a brown rice cereal in the evening.  Her digestive system seems to handle it pretty well and I think we'll be ready for other foods in the next month or so.  She's not a big eater in the morning but she makes up for it in the evening.  She still gets a total of 40 ounces of formula but some of it is mixed into her cereals.  If I make a bottle of 8 ounces and she's having cereal, I take out 1.5-2 ounces for cereal and then she'll finish the bottle afterwards.  She inhales pretty much everything she eats but if I were to give her 8 ounces on top of the cereal, she would be very pukey.  There have been a few occasions where she hasn't even finished the 6 ounces after cereal... those are mostly in the morning/afternoons, though.

I'm hanging in there and just learning how to get everything done while still making sure she is taken care of.  We have a routine most days and as long as we stick to it, things are fine.  She generally only fusses when she is hungry or tired so the better I anticipate the two, the easier it is.  My goal is to get our house clean by the time Jon comes back from Texas.  I don't just mean weekly cleaning type things... I mean really cleaned and organized.  This week consists of catching up on weekly cleaning stuff I put off last week plus working on the Spring Cleaning for Normal People assignment.  (  I'm also working on myself as a part of living a more organized and healthy lifestyle.  This week's self goal involves drinking more water.  I'm starting small so that hopefully this all will be for the long term.

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